Monday, June 7, 2010


Have you ever noticed that when there is something you really want everyone else already has it? It's like the new car you have been dreaming about and you see it everywhere you go, the grocery store, the mall, Target. And every time you see it you want it the pit in your stomach aches for it that much more even yearns for it. And you know that if you had it, it would be totally different and so much better.

This was my life for the better part of 2 years but, I didn't want a car I wanted a baby. I wanted to be pregnant in the worst way. I saw pregnant women EVERYWHERE! There were always a couple at the grocery store a few at the mall, the maternity store had the cutest clothes by the way. But Target was the one that always got me I never saw less than 5 pregos even for the shortest of errands, the worst was 10 in one visit. But if it was not bad enough that I saw random women I didn't know and didn't care about, 15 women at church were pregnant at the same time including my best friend, one of them was having twins. One Sunday I looked around and realized that I was the only married woman under the age of 35 that was not either pregnant or had a baby under 3 months old. I cried when I got home that afternoon. What was the deal? It obviously was not in the water because I was drinking the same water they were and trust me I was as thirst as anyone. After that I was a woman on a mission, my new best friends name was Google. We spent hours together searching for advice, ovulation calculators, articles on the top ten symptoms to looks for that may mean you are pregnant. But it turned out I was having issues, I was bleeding between periods. This is something that only happens when you are on the pill or there is a problem. After not finding any obvious problems my doctor sent me to get an ultra sound. Now that was an experience.

So what is this? (Read First!!!!!!)

Ok here's the skinny, I have been working on this solo show based on my first pregnancy experience since Logan was about 3 month old (he's now 3 years old and his sister Chloe is almost a year old). This is a long time coming and I have not even finished my "puke draft" as the computer that I originally started this on crashed and I have lost everything I've done thus far. This means I have to start over even the parts that I had finished that were partially polished due to the fact that they where a writing assignment for a solo performance class. That class was priceless to me because I was able to get feedback from my classmates, I do not have that opportunity for feedback now, except for my husband and he wants too much to be encouraging to criticize. So I ask this favor of you, be my feedback. If you are reading this you probably know me and my personality, read this with my voice in mind and give me you thoughts but please be constructive. Also if you are a part of any of my stories and you remember anything humorous that I may have left out please let me know. I want to keep this light and humorous although there will be a bit of drama because no pregnancy story is without a bit of drama.

Finally I know one thing about myself, nothing will ever get done unless I am accountable to others for it. So you are the ones I will be accountable to, I have a goal in mind to have the first draft of my script done in 6 months, so December 2010. I would then like to work it to have it performance ready by June 2011, this goal I am sure will be more difficult because my living room just won't cut it as far as a rehearsal space but one step at a time, script first.
All that said thank you in advance for the help and please enjoy!